My Summer Reading

Monday, April 9, 2012

Twitter Chat

Tonight I participated in my first twitter chat.  Thank you #4thchat for being so gracious and offering up all the resources.  What a terrific bunch of teachers.  I really liked being able to communicate with other teachers about a subject I happen to really like, "Poetry".  It was amazing asking questions and getting real answers immediately.  I actually found the chat on a tweet that I looked at then I located the chat on tweetdeck and waited for the next chat. 
I did add a few people to follow through the chat.  I found it difficult to follow all the tweets as fast as they were coming in.  I'm pretty sure that's not possible but I know I'll get better at it the more I participate.  I think it would be helpful to have the hashtag copied so all I have to do is paste it in at the end of the tweet.  For some reason, that seems to take extra time for me.  I also found it difficult to feel like I had something valid to add to the chat.  That probably takes some practice too.  All in all, I feel good about my first chat and I plan to join them again next Monday at 6:00 pm.


  1. What a great idea to copy the hashtag then paste it before you tweet! I had to delete and retweet several tweets because I would forget to add the hashtag. That tip will save me a lot of frustration the next time I chat. :)

  2. Try using next time you participate in a Twitter chat. Every time you reply the hashtag is automatically added for you. Glad to hear you enjoyed #4thchat.
